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Finding Joy

Living an A+ Life in a C- World

Finding Joy offers empowering success secrets to a joyful life in an easy-to-read story format. These “secrets” reveal how to live an A+ life in a world that accepts C- as normal. Everyone can relate to this powerful story of overcoming despair with joy. Carolyn’s life takes an unexpected turn and leads her down a path of hurt, bitterness and negativity. Her marriage is ending, the kids are struggling, and she finds it hard to focus on work. Feeling stuck and resentful, she wonders how her life has ended up in such a mess! Everyone around Carolyn validates her feelings…everyone except Kim, the CEO of her company. Kim invites Carolyn to lunch one day and proceeds to ask her two powerful questions. These questions are painful at first, but eventually they open her mind to a new way of thinking and this begins her transformation. Kim offers to share the 6-secrets of living an A+ life with Carolyn. Carolyn accepts her offer and now faces the challenge to dig deep into her soul and dream big. It is interesting that while finding joy is simple, it is by no means easy. Read this book and learn the secrets as well as how to use the secrets to change your life and begin living an A+ life. Don’t settle for average when it comes to your life. Embrace the power you can feel by living with joy in your heart.

Genre: Non-fiction /Self-Help

Pages: 112

Price: $ $19.95 (US) Hardback


Hardback:  978-0-9967616-4-2
ePUB: 978-0-9967616-5-9
ePDF: 978-0-9967616-6-6


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Carrie Copley

Carrie Copley is an engaging speaker, trainer, success coach, and author who inspires people to step into their greatness. Carrie believes her life mission is to empower people to create the life they dream of living. She challenges her audiences to get unstuck and to not settle for good when great is an option.

After two decades of leadership in the non-profit and corporate world, Carrie decided to take a leap of faith and merge her background of social work, recruiting and development, to create a coaching business. She inspires and educates others to develop a positive mindset to reduce stress, achieve more and to significantly increase the joy in their lives.

Her message will engage individuals, inspire teams and transform organizations; leaving everyone with simple strategies to create their very own unique life vision statement.

Carrie Copley is an engaging speaker, trainer, success coach, and author who inspires people to step into their greatness. Carrie believes her life mission is to empower people to create the life they dream of living. She challenges her audiences to get unstuck and to not settle for good when great is an option.

After two decades of leadership in the non-profit and corporate world, Carrie decided to take a leap of faith and merge her background of social work, recruiting and development, to create a coaching business. She inspires and educates others to develop a positive mindset to reduce stress, achieve more and to significantly increase the joy in their lives.

Her message will engage individuals, inspire teams and transform organizations; leaving everyone with simple strategies to create their very own unique life vision statement.

Author Page
