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The Build A Bigger Life Manifesto

The philosophy this book teaches all started with a simple statement to a friend: "Maybe you should build a bigger life, not a bigger lifestyle." Today, tens of thousands of people have been exposed to the message by listening to the Build a Bigger Life Podcast or attending a Build a Bigger Life Retreat. This book is a framework for building a bigger life and features step-by-step instructions on how to explore what you most want, how to leverage your existing talents and resources, and how to reveal the shortest path to the life you most desire. Join the tribe known as “Life Architects" who have decided life is about living out your core values, pursuing a higher vision, creating successful and positive relationships, and making money irrelevant!

Genre: Non-Fiction / Business

Pages: 128

Price: $14.95 (US)


Paperback: 978-1-947305-13-7
ePUB: 978-1-947305-14-4
ePDF: 978-1-947305-15-1


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Adam Carroll

Adam Carroll is a two-time TED talk speaker with one talk surpassing five million views. He is the co-creator of Broke, Busted & Disgusted, a student loan debt documentary which aired on CNBC. And, he’s a highly sought-after speaker and seminar leader having delivered over 1,000 presentations to date.

Adam Carroll is a two-time TED talk speaker with one talk surpassing five million views. He is the co-creator of Broke, Busted & Disgusted, a student loan debt documentary which aired on CNBC. And, he’s a highly sought-after speaker and seminar leader having delivered over 1,000 presentations to date.

Author Page
