The Eyes of Tandor
When Tess Bailey, a skilled NASA technical writer living in the San Francisco Bay Area, learns that her chronic health issues may be due to a unique DNA structure that is also protecting her from the mysterious genetic alterations appearing to afflict decision-makers in Silicon Valley, she assembles a group of retired and outcast scientists and engineers to begin an experiment of epic proportions to discover if and why it's happening. Their incredible answer - that the targeted, DNA-altering energy wavelengths changing the very nature of the human species are coming from a parallel quantum universe - places her team in the crosshairs of Earth-based forces led by altered leaders profitting from a world held in a perpetual state of fear and war. To be taken seriously and mount a defense against this extraterrestrial threat, Tess must prove to the world that the Earth itself is under attack.
On a parallel timeline in another quantum universe, Sern, a junior member of the ruling class on the planet Tandor, commits the unforgivable sin of questioning its' species tradition of imposing their Plan for Order in All Things on other sentient beings through manipulation of native genomes. Renowned for their ability to alter molecular structures with mental energy, elder Tandorans have controlled the development of their own young and sentient beings in other quantum realities since time immemorial until their encounter with the species on Earth that shows signs of resistance to their efforts and a movement on their own planet to overthrow the stifling restrictions of the Plan on their population. Gathering the mental energies of other dissatisfied Tandorans, Sern reaches out across the quantum barrier to the Earth-based species also facing a fight between the forces of freedom and control.
In the greatest battle of their lives, Tess and Sern must find a way to prevail against all odds if their two species' are to survive.
Genre: Fiction-Science Fiction
Pages: 264
$28.95 Hardback
$9.95 eBook
RELEASE DATE: November 11, 2025
Hardback: 978-1-960259-38-7
eBook: 978-1-960259-39-4