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Wayward Son

Floyd Olson, the youngest son of Norwegian immigrant and western Iowa settler Karoline Olsen, dreams of a life of adventure flying aeroplanes, riding motorcycles, and playing poker. Instead, circumstances shoulder the young man with responsibilities of a husband and father. To support his new family, Floyd first works in the muck and grime of corn fields and cattle on the farm with his brother, Tingvald. Later, with the help of his favorite brother, Alex, he finds more suitable work at the bank in Denison. But “the itch” to gamble never quite leaves him.

Though he promises his new bride he will put his poker playing behind him, Floyd dips a toe back into his old life and soon dives in head-first, pursuing larger games, the stakes growing ever higher. Aching to battle with the monied men, Floyd finds himself in Sioux City at a table owned by the mob, where he meets a dangerous woman who could ultimately yank him from his family simply by giving him exactly what he wants.

The final novel in Ann Hanigan Kotz’s Olson series, Wayward Son is the story of a man gone wrong—a tale of selfishness and unfulfilled desire, of choosing pleasure over obligation, and giving in to the kind of temptation that comes at the cost of life and freedom.

Genre: Fiction-Historical

Pages: 312

$28.95 Hardback
$19.95 Paperback
$9.95 eBook

RELEASE DATE: November 11, 2025

Hardback: 978-1-960259-47-9
Paperback: 978-1-960259-48-6
eBook: 978-1-960259-49-3


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Ann Hanigan Kotz

Ann Hanigan Kotz is a retired teacher who resides in Adel, Iowa, with her husband, John. She was born and raised in Denison, Iowa, on a farm southwest of town with her parents and five siblings. As a girl, she spent her summers reading at the Carnegie Library and spent time with her maternal grandparents, Glenn and Alice Olson, on their farm, visiting other Norwegian families in the Loess Hills area. Ann remembers well her grandparents taking her to Soldier, Iowa, to visit her great-grandfather, Tingvald Olson. The smell of his pipe and the sound of his fiddle found their way into this story.

Ann holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Northern Iowa and a Master of Arts in Education from Viterbo University. She began a career in education in 1988 and taught high school English for 33 years, later teaching college-level classes to high school students who themselves wanted to become teachers.

As a teacher, Ann is passionate about helping students become better writers and readers. She credits her own writing ability to both studying and teaching the craft and considers education to be one of the most honorable professions.

Ann Hanigan Kotz is a retired teacher who resides in Adel, Iowa, with her husband, John. She was born and raised in Denison, Iowa, on a farm southwest of town with her parents and five siblings. As a girl, she spent her summers reading at the Carnegie Library and spent time with her maternal grandparents, Glenn and Alice Olson, on their farm, visiting other Norwegian families in the Loess Hills area. Ann remembers well her grandparents taking her to Soldier, Iowa, to visit her great-grandfather, Tingvald Olson. The smell of his pipe and the sound of his fiddle found their way into this story.

Ann holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of Northern Iowa and a Master of Arts in Education from Viterbo University. She began a career in education in 1988 and taught high school English for 33 years, later teaching college-level classes to high school students who themselves wanted to become teachers.

As a teacher, Ann is passionate about helping students become better writers and readers. She credits her own writing ability to both studying and teaching the craft and considers education to be one of the most honorable professions.

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